Monday, June 25, 2007

Welcome to Hendy Bendy's Blog

Hi my name is Hendrix and I'm 11. My favourite coluor is blue. My hobie is hunting with my dad. My favuorite animal is a dog. I've got 5 dogs, 1 cat and a wild pig. I've got 2 younger brothers and 1 sister. Bye, bye see ya later.


Levi said...

cool blog hendy

Rebekah said...

cool blog, have u seen Bushwacked?

Aedan said...

Hay Hay Hay it's me i went to fantastic 4 it is really cool see u when we get back 2 school

Elizabeth said...

nice!!! can't wait 2 get back 2 school. c u there

Shannon said...

Great blog.

Reubarb said...

haha! Seriusly...

Reubarb said...

...U nt 11 r u?