Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Description of Setting

*It was a calm, sunny day. The tide was in and boats were coming in from fishing. Seagulls were chirping and scabbing for food as I chucked chips down my throat and sniffed the salty air I ate.

*It was a clear bright night as I sat on a soft seat listening to forks and knives falling onto the cold surface of the wooden table and smelling different kinds of food coming from other tables around me.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Trust can be shown in heaps of ways

Relying on people to trust you

Using trust is what friends do

Seeing that people believe in you is good

Trust is the way to keep friends

Thursday, October 11, 2007

On the first week of the holidays we went down to christchurch.
we only went for two days.we went to the QE2 pools man was that fun.
After that we wacthed a dance concert.It was mostly break dancing and hip hop.
We tried busking but we didn't go very well.

See yo later

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

W ater can be cold and freezing
A lso really wet and slippery

T he tap water is good to drink

E veryone needs water to survive

R rain water is better than all of themreezing

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Hi here a couple of days a go we went to a hunting comp we won first prize for heaviest possume
we won a pretty dan nice casio watch it was awsome.But never smack a possum in the head
in case blood go's all over you.

WARNING:Do not read this if your eating.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Holidays

In the holidays i went up to Wellington. We went fishing, movies and Timezone Arcade. I thought TimeZone was the best. When we went fishing I caught 9 little blue cod. My Uncle caught 11 fish and my Uncles girlfriend caught 8 fish. After that my Popa went diving. He caught some kinas, pawa and crayfish. We had a lot of sea food. But it diddn't finish yet. We pulled up a net with 8 fish in it. When we got back to the house me and my cousin Jaiden blew up some cleaning gloves and made faces. It was awesome. When I went to the movies with my Uncle and aunty I saw Transformers, it was the second time i saw it. It was pretty boring because I have already seen it. Then we had kebabs, mmm, yumm!